Why Eustressin’? Journal


Learning how to manage my symptoms associated with Bipolar Disorder took patience and discipline. As I tried different treatments, one thing that stood out to me was that I needed to learn who I was in all facets of life. I needed to learn my triggers, my protective factors, and my patterns.

We often get so ingrained in our journey that much of it becomes automatic and forget how things contribute or hinder our mental wellness. This journal will take you on a journey of internally tuning in to you and allow you to recognize factors in your life that require your attention to change. You will learn to be mindful of what you consume with things such as food, people, TV and social media and how your consumption levels affect your mood and feelings.

Through the "discovery of you," you need to be as transparent and honest as possible when completing your entries. This is your journal designed for your self-improvement. Don't hold back. If you need help identifying your feelings, there is a feelings and emotions list for your reference. There is beauty in learning more about yourself and making your mental wellbeing a priority. Search within, reflect and discover you.

THE WHY EUSTRESSIN’? JOURNAL is geared to help you identify ways you include Eustress in your life by acknowledging the things that stress you out.

Order yours today!

The Why Eustressin'? Journal